

  1. pillow 枕頭
  2. pillow case 枕頭套
  3. classic pattern 經典樣式(花樣)
  4. bedding 寢具
  5. quilt 棉被(拼布被)
  6. comforter 棉被(薄被)
  7. covers 被套
  8. duvet 羽絨被
  9. mattress 床墊
  10. fitted sheet 床包
  11. mattress protector 保潔墊
  12. double/full size bed 雙人床
  13. single/twin size bed 單人床
  14. queen size bed 雙人床加大
  15. king size bed 特大雙人床
  16. durable 耐用的
  17. thread count 織紗數
  18. antibacterial 抗菌的
  19. antistatic 抗靜電的
  20. anti-wrinkle 抗皺的 (Wrinkle-free)
  21. insomnia(sleepless) 失眠
  22. be covered by 被…所覆蓋
  23. keep it up 繼續保持;再接再厲
  24. leave one’s comments 留下評論
  25. tossing and turning 輾轉難眠
  26. sleep tight 祝你好眠
  27. sleep well / have a good night’s sleep 睡得很好
  28. sleep well till the break of day 一覺到天亮


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